Monday, December 20, 2010

Preventing and Overcoming High Blood

To prevent high blood for you who still have normal blood pressure or high blood pressure for those who already have high blood pressure, the following practical suggestions can you do:

     * Reduce consumption of salt in your food. If you already suffer from high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt.
     * Consumption of foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and calcium can reduce high blood pressure.
     * Reduce drinking alcoholic beverages or food. If you suffer from high blood pressure, should avoid excessive alcohol consumption. For men who suffer from hypertension, the amount of alcohol is permitted a maximum of 30 ml of alcohol per day while women 15 ml per day.
     * Regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, choose light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
     * Eat vegetables and fruits are high in fiber such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, melons, and oranges.
     * Run anti-stress therapy for reducing stress and you are able to control your emotions.
     * Quitting smoking also plays a major role to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.
     * Control your cholesterol levels.
     * Take control of your diabetes.
     * Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you are receiving treatment for certain diseases, to ask for drugs that do not increase blood pressure.
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Causes of High Blood

There are several things that can cause a person has high blood pressure. There are factors that cause high blood pressure that you can not control. There is also that you can control so that it can cope with high blood diseases. Some of these factors include:

    * Offspring
      This factor can not you control. If someone has a parent or relative who has high blood pressure, then it is likely he suffered from high blood pressure is greater. Statistics show that the problem of high blood pressure is higher in identical twins than identical twins are not. A study showed that there is evidence derived genes for high blood pressure problems.

    * Age
      This factor can not you control. Research shows that as age increases, blood pressure will increase. You can not expect that your blood pressure when young will be the same when you get older. But you can control that do not pass through the upper limit of normal.

    * Salt
      These factors can you control. Salt can increase blood pressure rapidly in some people, especially for diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and those who were black.

    * Cholesterol
      These factors can you control. Excess fat in your blood, it can cause cholesterol deposits in blood vessel walls. This can make blood vessels constrict and blood pressure consequently increases. Take control of your cholesterol as early as possible. For tips on controlling cholesterol, please see the following articles: cholesterol.

    * Obesity / Overweight
      These factors can you control. People who have a body weight above 30 percent ideal body weight, have a greater likelihood of suffering from high blood pressure.

    * Stress
      These factors can you control. Stress and emotions are not stable condition also can trigger high blood pressure.

    * Cigarette
      These factors can you control. Smoking also can increase blood pressure becomes high. Smoking habits may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, smoking habit which continues to proceed when it has a high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and blood.

    * Caffeine
      These factors can you control. Caffeine found in coffee, tea or cola drinks can cause increased blood pressure.

    * Alcohol
      These factors can you control. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes high blood pressure.

    * Poor Sports
      These factors can you control. Lack of exercise and movement can cause increased blood pressure in the body. Regular exercise can lower your high blood pressure but do not do heavy exercise if you suffer from high blood pressure.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

What causes blood pressure to rise?

What causes blood pressure to rise? As an illustration, if you're watering the garden with a hose. If you press the end of the hose, the water that comes out will be faster. That's because water pressure increases when the hose is pressed. Also, if you zoom in tap water, the flow of water through the hose will be faster because of increased water discharge.

The same thing happens with your blood. If your blood vessels constrict, the blood pressure in the blood vessels will increase. In addition, if the amount of blood flow increases, blood pressure will also increase.
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Healthy skin care tips

Healthy skin will make the skin look fresh and naturally beautiful. If you have healthy skin, you will not need the help of makeup colors that are not natural to cover your skin. Fresh cheek color hue that will add to the beauty of the face.

To maintain healthy skin, you should try to eat Healthy foods and drink lots of water. Healthy foods like vegetables and fruits may be an option. Fruits and vegetables can be antioxidants that eliminate free radicals whose effects make the face is not pretty.

Besides food and drinks, sports play an important role to beautify the skin. Sports will make the blood vessels can work optimally to deliver oxygen, if a lot of oxygen, the skin will look more beautiful.

In applying this makeup that becomes important is the selection of foundation colors that conformed to the skin color. This will make you appear not mask make-up premises that had been my doing. As for blush, eye shadow or lipstick, pink, brown colors derivatives are often used.

Do not forget to remedy clean your face with cleanser according to skin type. If you want to "show off" your skin healthy, then just use a moisturizer without the need to use excessive foundation.
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Beauty secret tips from 5 countries

Beauty recipe facial recipe is derived from their ancestors. Could be a myth, but it could be real indeed. Ok Let's discuss one by one woman's secret 5:

Although this country, including advanced, but even before most Japanese women prefer to use the tips of bird droppings Uguisu no Fun (Bulbul) to make their skin clean. Even unmitigated filth directly used as masks.

Now they still use it for beauty tips dirt, but mixed with soap first and applied to the face and skin.

A country known for various mitologi. Includes the secret of mythology about female beauty. They used oranges to refresh the skin. Quintessence of citrus can also kill bacteria that cause acne.

If you want to try it out tips on beauty and facial skin: wash face with warm water and then mixed with essential oils of orange. Or can also use a mask with added orange juice
Often drink tea? There are beauty tips related facial degan this drink. In England dregs of tea are believed to eliminate dark circles, especially in the eyes. Even these women have tips that keep the pulp it in the fridge, so it can be used at any time to maintain the beauty of their faces.

The women there used to use coffee to rub into their skin. Securities acquired beauty is the loss of body odor and skin tones are bright and shine. Additional tips: They do it when sauna so that removal of dead skin cells running optimally.

Now, these tips are very popular in the world. If you women who frequent beauty care facial scrubs would know Potions. Well scrub of coffee comes from this country.

It turned out that Queen Cleopatra was not leaving her love story, but also left the beauty secret for women. Cleopatra is said that he likes to use the use of milk and honey for the beauty of her face. He is also often a bathroom with bath with sea salt and dead sea mud
Queen of Egypt is believed that the materials that can give a clean and smooth skin. And a beautiful face and shining. He also believes that the beauty tips that do also the secret of youth.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Papaya can prevent heart disease and cancer

Papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Its vitamin A content of more than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges. He is also rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E.
"Protein content in papaya fruits are not too high. Only 4-6 grams per kg weight of the fruit. But this small amount can be almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya fruit is able to digest a substance 35 times larger than its size alone.

Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and able to accelerate the process of protein digestion. This enzyme can break down food that contains proteins and to form various amino acid compounds that are autointoxicaing or automatically removes unwanted substances formation due to incomplete digestion. "High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy, and diabetes are diseases that arise because the process of digestion is not perfect. Papain can not always prevent it. However, at least to minimize the negative effects that arise. What is clear, papain digestion process may help to create better food.

Papaya can also speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The enzyme papain to break down the fibers of the meat so the meat is more easily digested. No wonder when the papaya is often used as meat tenderizer. The content of antiseptic to keep the digestive equipment, especially the intestine, from the bacteria.

Preventing Heart Disease

Papaya fruit can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver. High cholesterol can cause heart attacks and strokes. And this can be prevented by eating a papaya on a regular basis.
Papaya is also rich in fiber can help lower cholesterol levels in the liver. Folic acid found in papaya can eliminate harmful substances that can damage blood vessel walls and ultimately cause a heart attack.

Papaya fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to boost the immune system. In addition to the enzyme papain, chymopapain papaya also contain enzymes that can reduce inflammation, thus helping the body in the healing process of burns and other injuries.

Benefits of papaya fruit is no less significant are preventing kaker colon. This is not because of the fiber content. This fiber is very useful for those who have difficulty defecating. Vitamin A is found in papaya fruit, is very useful for people who have weak lungs.

Prevent Cancer

 In the papaya fruit, there are more than 50 amoni acid contained in papaya latex, among others, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysin, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine. "They are useful to refine the skin, strengthens skin cell tissue to be more elastic (antiaging early), and keep the teeth from plaque deposits," explained Dr. Diana.

Besides beneficial to the skin, according to dr. Diana, papaya leaves can be used to treat vaginal discharge, fever due to childbirth, menstruation launch, and launch a breast milk (breast milk). And most importantly, can prevent breast cancer cell growth. Why?

Papain enzyme can break down proteins into arginine. Arginine compound is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions can not be used to produce the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. However, if the enzyme papain digestion of proteins involved in the process, naturally some proteins can be converted to arginine with papain was also influence the production of human growth hormone, which is Human Growth Hormone (HGH). "Now, HGH is what helps improve muscle tone and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Other important information, laboratory test showed arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, "he said.
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New tips to relieve stress

Each person must have felt the stress, which, because of several things. Household affairs, business Health Insurance, business loans, jobs, and many more activities that can make us stressed.
Here are some tips to relieve stress:

1. Relieve Tension
If you are sitting, stand up and do a gentle warm-seleber you can afford. Hand and arm movement you turn, then lift your shoulders and make your body feel relaxed.

2. Take Pause
When you realize began to feel the pressure, stop whatever you are currently doing and saying to myself yourself''quiet.''

3. Breath Attraction Set
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, concentrating on the movement of your diaphragm. Do this two or three times until you begin to feel in control.

4. Move
Do brisk walking, though it was just a walk around the room or bathroom, it is useful to help blood flow. Moving on a regular basis can help you burn the negative effects of stress hormones.

5. Think PositiveChoose something that is feasible, a positive personal thoughts - such as''I feel the pressure is positive, not negative stress''- and regularly repeat yourself.

6. Yelling And Screaming
Go to a private place and scream or shout as hard as you can. It can also be used for stress relief therapy. Some people find that hitting the pillow as hard as possible to help.

7. Essential Flower Therapy
Put a few drops of flower essence, such as Bach Rescue Remedy, Jan de Vries Emergency Essence or the Australian Bush Flower Essence Emergency, on your tongue.

8. Healthy Food Dining
Live a healthy diet and do not be tempted to overeat. Eat healthy snacks, like dried fruit, biscuit wheat to help improve your sugar levels.

 9. Listen to Music
Listen to the rhythm of soft music can help you more calm. Such as recording natural sound waves, birds chirping, or the sound of water flowing very ideal.

10. Give Praise On Other People
Make a point to give a sincere compliment to others around you. If you are able to make them feel good about themselves give a positive effect on you as well.

11. Affirmed Yourself
Learn to be more assertive. Said''No''to unreasonable demands will help you reduce the pressure.

12. Organized Crime
Start kehidupandan set your time effectively. Create a priority so that you can handle the pressure at a time.

13. Laugh
Watch a comedy, laugh with your friends, or visit the website specialized in providing jokes - laughter is a wonderful antidote for stress.

14. Find Peace From Within
Visualization or meditation can help you find a peace from within when all around you are filled with stress and noise.

15. Consumption of Vitamins and Supplements
You may need the B vitamins, and antioxidants such vitamin C and E at times of stress. Probiotic supplements can also help you cope with stress.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips for treating breast remains taut and beautiful

Similar to other body parts, breasts can be loosened so that the influence of its beauty. Especially for mothers who have become pregnant and breast-feeding, in which the breasts are no longer tight due to the shrinking of the mammary gland.

Other causes may also be due to weakening of the connective tissue supporting the breast and breast skin elasticity decreases. Therefore, it is very important to treat breast in order to stay beautiful, both inside and outside the body.

There are five easy steps that can take care of the breast to remain strong and beautiful:

1. Consider the consumption of food.
Breasts also need nutrients, as well as body. Therefore, eat a balanced diet with enough calories so your weight is ideal as expected. Ideal body weight, will automatically improve the body's natural shape, including the breast.

2. Avoid rubbing too hard.
Breast skin contains very little collagen, especially in the areola (skin around the nipple) and nipple. So do not rub the breast with rough objects such as towels and scrubs.

3. Give a moisturizer.
To cope with dry skin, use a moisturizer without fragrance, can also use olive oil. For maximum results, do a light massage with gentle movements. Clean the area around the nipple regularly with cotton wool in the wet warm water.

4. Exercise regularly.
Do moderate exercise with a focus to strengthen the chest muscles. Movement is done routinely exercise will train the chest muscles. Do it regularly to get maximum results.

5. Use an appropriate bra.
Bras that fit the size and shape of the breast is very important, make sure the bra is too comfortable when in use. When working out using a special bra, so that sweat easily absorbed and well retained breast. Select the appropriate size for a bra to support the breast well.

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Natural Health Tips add height

People who know how to add height naturally know that exercise is very important if you want to improve your body. When you exercise, your body releases Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, into your system.

This is a complex hormone that triggers the bone, muscle, and networks to increase the size. The better your practice will be more HGH in your system. Furthermore, exercise strengthens your body to support it as bone and cartilage extend.

Although most of the exercises will help your body grow in some way, stretching exercises are one of the most effective and natural way to add height.

Stretching is an efficient way to exercise because it focuses on parts of your body that you want to grow. Most of your height comes from the spine and legs.

The bones in this region united by cartilage. Stretching helps you decompress cartilage in the body, such as between vertebrae and femur. As this cartilage decompression was soaking up nutrients and thickens, making you taller.

On the other hand, are not stretching stunts your growth because it weakens the cartilage and reduce the flexibility needed to grow.

It is very important that you develop a solid routine of stretching. This means you must have to discipline yourself to stretch regularly. You should also stretch long enough so that your workout effective.

Most importantly, you need to stretch the right with the right techniques. This article will guide you through specific stretching techniques that will provide optimal results.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Studies show that aspirin can reduce the risk of cancer

A researcher in the UK, Peter Rothwell from the John Radcliffe Hospital and University of Oxford reported that aspirin has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of death from various cancers.

The team of researchers in England found that people who consume low-dose aspirin (75 mg) every day, at least five years will reduce the risk of death from cancer by 60 percent.

The study involved more than 25,500 patients, by giving low dose aspirin on heart patients. The drug is proven to prevent strokes and heart attacks. Low-dose aspirin has also been shown to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer deaths.

These findings prove that the risk of overall cancer deaths declined by 21 percent in patients taking low-dose aspirin.
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The secret to stay healthy from Gene Stone

Healthy Tips
You never sick?
Surely anyone who has ever experienced such thing as pain. Whether it's the flu, colds, coughing, sneezing and so forth. So is there any tips to always keep this body always fit?

Gene Stone explains in his book, The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick, presents the results of her research about what causes a person can always be healthy. According to him, there are some surprising things we can do to ward off disease and infection.

Here are his tips:

1. Cold shower
Most people are afraid to take a cold shower for fear of catching cold. But according to Stone, the research shows that a cold shower can help to increase the number of white blood cells. White blood cells can help to expel the disease from your body.

2. Chewing raw garlic
Once again, Stone shows the results of research, where garlic is said to have strong antimicrobial compounds, which can help us stay healthy. So that our breath is not too flavorful garlic, mashed garlic first, then swallow it all by using one teaspoon of apple sauce.

3. Drinking hot water brewer's yeast
Although we do not yet know how it feels! To be sure, this herb has been proven to repel viral influenza, diar e, and respiratory infections.

4. Only drink hot drinks
For example, warm water fed orange juice, tea, coffee, or anything that is served warm or hot. Drink more hot fluids during flu season can enhance our immune system.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

8 tips to remove Acne

Here I will describe some tips to clear acne scars hole. Whether due to forget to clean your face, or eating certain foods. But there is also the rest of his life must be willing to look at skin irritations and acne. The skin on the nose and cheeks look inflamed, reddish, or there are holes acne scars. So whether it all can be cured? Apparently you can!

We'll have acne? Whether due to forget to clean your face, or eating certain foods. But there is also the rest of his life must be willing to look at skin irritations and acne. The skin on the nose and cheeks look inflamed, reddish, or there are holes acne scars. So whether it all can be cured? Apparently you can!

Try performing the following steps:

1. Discard the wrong habits
Never use something greasy and heavy on the hair or our face. "I once had a patient that applying vitamin E oil on their skin, and then wondering why acne begins to appear," said Pat Wexler, a dermatologist from New York

2. Investigate our lifestyle
Stress, insomnia, eating irregularly birth control pills, fertility treatments, or taking antidepressant drugs, can be deadly hormones and cause acne. "Pil-control pills can make a big difference if you tend to acne when you're menstruating," says Katie Rodan, also a dermatologist, who is based in Oakland, California.

3. Exempt clogged pores
Wash your face twice a day, and once again if we had just finished exercising. Exfoliate with a gel containing salicylic acid, AHA, or retinoids.

4. Eliminate bacteria
Apply antibacterial products (such as benzoyl peroxide, tee tree oil, or sulfur) to the entire face, even though we face skin in normal circumstances. "Acne affects every oil glands on the face," says San Francisco dermatologist Kathy Fields. "Therefore you must treat the entire area of the face." Try: Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Moisturizer.

5. Stop the inflammation
Be careful if there is irritation of the skin, as this will make the acne worse. Restore skin smoothness with treatment to soothe the skin. To eliminate the inflammation, which is usually characterized by skin redness on the nose and cheeks, you can try a treatment with a prescription such as Finacea or MetroGel. Try: Aveeno Ultra-Calming Daily Moisturizer SPF15.

6. Perform maintenance regimen for at least 8 weeks
Treatment regimens usually consist of three steps: a mild soap, benzoyl peroxide 2.5%, and a good moisturizer, to hydrate dry skin due to the use of benzoyl peroxide. At the beginning of this treatment, usually slightly pimpled skin will initially caused by the act of cleansing and exfoliation on the skin surface. Within 8 weeks, routine maintenance is usually starting to show its effectiveness.

7. Do not touch the skin of the face
This is the "disease" we are: if the skin feels rough or pimpled face, we just want to keep touching it. "Let it go, acne will usually disappear within 8 days," said Wexler. "But if you squeeze, you will need three to four weeks to heal." A dermatologist can remove acne in 24 hours with cortisone injection. But if we do it yourself at home, try reducing the swelling of the face with cortisone cream, benzoyl peroxide, ice, aspirin, or ibuprofen.

8. Use concealer
Use a little concealer containing foundation, choose a concealer with a yellowish color to neutralize the redness. Take a little concealer with a fluffy brush with a pointed tip, dab the acne first, then widened to the outside. Press the concealer in the area (not rub), then end with the use of a light powder.

Good luck!
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